Einrichtungen >> Technische Fakultät (TF) >>
Department Artificial Intelligence in Biomedical Engineering (AIBE)
Werner-von-Siemens-Straße 61, 91052 Erlangen, Tel. 70674
E-Mail: aibe-administration@fau.de
www: https://aibe.tf.fau.de- Departmentsprecher: Prof. Dr. Kainz, Bernhard
- Stellv. Departmentsprecher: Prof. Dr. Knoll, Florian
- Geschäftsführerin: Reuschel, Marlene, App. 70674
- Head of IT: Deserno, Frank
- Head of Teaching: Manz, Nora, App. 70675
- Academic Administration Management: Limper, Juliane, App. 71221
- Vorsitz Studienkommission: Prof. Dr. Blumenthal, David B.
- Administration Werner-von-Siemensstr. 61: Arnst, Antonia, App. 70946; Caria, Alessia, App. 71271; Fischer, Heike, App. 70676
- Administration Carl-Thiersch-Str.2b: Büttner, Leonie, App. 70944; Steinheimer, Irene, App. 28990
- Technisches Personal: Deserno, Frank; Dietzsch, Richard; Finke, Tim, App. 27830; Knee, Brian; Waldow, Jonathan
- Frauenbeauftragte: Prof. Dr.-Ing. Breininger, Katharina, App. 71154; Dr.-Ing. Dorschky, Eva, App. 27890; Müller, Johanna, M. Sc.
- Kollegiale Leitung: Prof. Dr. Blumenthal, David B.; Prof. Castellini, Claudio, Ph.D., App. 71174; Dr.-Ing. Dorschky, Eva, App. 27890; Prof. Dr. Eskofier, Björn; Prof. Dr. Kainz, Bernhard; Prof. Dr. Knoll, Florian; Prof. Dr. sc. (ETH Zürich) Mathis-Ullrich, Franziska; Prof. Dr. rer. nat. Reichenbach, Tobias; Dr. Zanca, Dario, App. 20296
- Zweitmitglieder: Prof. Dr.-Ing. habil. Beckerle, Philipp, App. 23141; Prof. Dr. Dabrock, Peter, App. 22724; Prof. Dr.-Ing. Döllinger, Michael, App. 33814; Prof. Dr. Franze, Kristian, App. 22310; Prof. Dr. med. Ganslandt, Thomas, App. 67782; Prof. Dr. med. Kinfe, Thomas Mehari, App. 34510; Prof. Dr. rer. nat. Laun, Frederik, App. 36280; Prof. Dr.-Ing. habil. Maier, Andreas, App. 27883; Prof. Dr. Müller, Vincent C., App. 71170; Prof. Dr. rer. nat. Nagel, Armin, App. 36200; Prof. Dr. rer. nat. Zaiß, Moritz, App. 39388 25530
- Mitglieder: Prof. Dr. Blumenthal, David B.; Prof. Dr.-Ing. Breininger, Katharina, App. 71154; Prof. Dr. Del Vecchio, Alessandro, App. 70940; Prof. Dr. Kist, Andreas, Tel. 0(173) 7236323; Prof. Dr. Yang, Seung Hee, App. 70943
- ehemalige Mitglieder: Prof. Dr. Grebe, Andrea; Prof. Dr. Roth, Daniel, App. 70941; Prof. Dr.-Ing. Seel, Thomas
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